Our electricity is supplied on an interconnected network. Your power comes to you via the same grid that supplies the neighboring businesses. This basic fact has a direct impact on power quality, for not only do you share the network, but you also share the power anomalies introduced into that network by all who are connected.
Most people know that a lightning strike on an electrical utility’s distribution substation likely means a power loss, and many are aware that load switching at that substation may result in a power anomaly, but we don’t always associate our office lights flickering with the powering up of the conveyer system in the industrial business next door. What they do, can affect you, and vise-versa… We’re all connected, and the first address to this problem is to stop the outside ’dirt’ from coming inside!
Just as what happens in the business next-door can travel through the outside network to affect you, what occurs in one area of your company can travel through the ‘inside network’ to impact all the activities within your facility. In fact, up to 80% of all the power anomalies that erode your bottom-line, are created within your own facility! When the VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) in your HVAC system powers on, the THD (‘dirt’) created may have a direct bearing on why your PC might have crashed... or why when the production-line robotic welder is working there may be overheating in the packaging line appliances.
The simplified wiring diagram (right) shows the travel of a power anomaly created by the HVAC system as it moves back through the Main Panel and from there, out to the industrial equipment, the automated systems, the production floor computer equipment… in fact, impacting the entire facility! The ‘viral’ nature of power anomalies (no matter what the source, the dirt travels throughout your entire electrical system) is precisely the reason why the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) recommends a “cascading” design of protection within a facility: to ensure the ’dirt’ is contained and completely removed as close to the ’point-of-origin’ as possible thereby ensuring no or minimal impact on the business productivity.
Adequate protection of your facility requires an integrated approach, which is why the Stabl-Power solution provides an overall address with its total system approach; first and foremost focusing on protecting your Capital Investment and overall facility reliability. Our engineers employ a proprietary Optimized Design Protocol that starts with a thorough understanding of your electrical system. Predicated on that information, they carefully match the correct Sta
bl-Power units to your system’s specifications and cascade those units at optimized points to ensure that all negative events are isolated and eliminated as close to the point-of-origin as possible. This methodology achieves, amongst other benefits:
Based on over 3 decades of ‘cleaning’ electricity for facilities around the globe, the Stabl-Power system has consistently delivered measureable benefits and quantifiable ROI. To learn more, see our
While Stabl-Power is a powerful tool in formulating the address to ‘dirty’ electricity, we do not claim to being the only answer. Realistically, there are a number of other considerations your business will need to address to arrive at truly efficient electrical usage. Two of these considerations are: